7 subconscious mind exercises

7 Subconscious Mind Exercises to Unchain Your Brain

This article discusses 7 subconscious mind exercises that will allow you to take control of your emotions, create better will power, and reduce stress. In Why Every Powerful Man Meditates, I discussed the subconscious mind which is unimaginably powerful for us and why harnessing some of its potential on a more regular basis can change your life. The majority of …

Build Muscle After 40

Can you build muscle after 40?

You have said goodbye to the thirties and now are moving into your forties and now you ponder. Can I still build muscle after 40?  This article discusses if and how it is possible to build muscle after 40 and what precautions you may consider if you trying. The fact is you can build muscle at any age and men …

7 Physical Benefits of Mediation

Benefits of meditation include physical benefits that go beyond the brain and to help your physical body.  The list of meditation benefits studied and documented is almost unimaginable.   There has been study after study touting the power of meditation and the physical benefits it can have on you.  Benefits of meditation including physical benefits that go beyond the brain …

man losing weight after 40

6 Strategies for Losing Weight After 40

Okay, the time has come.  In your twenties, you didn’t have much of an issue.  In your thirties, you didn’t mind because you were still young.  Now you are in your forties, it is time you need to lose weight once and for all.  Here are five strategies for losing weight after 40 that can help you shred the pounds. …

Tiger Woods Meditates

Famous People Who Meditate and Why You Should Too

Famous people who meditate are numerous and there is a reason for that.  This article discusses why that is and why you should consider making meditation a part of your routine.  I get it all the time with meditation.   People think it for the weak-minded or eccentric and they think it for modern-day hippies. They think it’s a gimmick and …