Tiger Woods Meditates

Famous People Who Meditate and Why You Should Too

Famous people who meditate are numerous and there is a reason for that.  This article discusses why that is and why you should consider making meditation a part of your routine. 

I get it all the time with meditation.  

People think it for the weak-minded or eccentric and they think it for modern-day hippies. They think it’s a gimmick and a waste of time. 

It could not be farther from the truth.  

Why Famous People Meditate

Meditation is power and some of the most influential and powerful people in the world meditate. 

This is why you should too. 

Meditation helps your conscious mind direct your subconscious mind.

The subconscious means operating and existing outside of consciousness.

Meditating allows you to tap into the subconscious mind which is like the bios of your brain and our subconscious mind has a greater role in our lives than we give it credit.  

It controls everything from eye movement to that after work fast-food drive-thru stop.

Focusing on our quietest thoughts gives us control over other times when our conscious minds are driving the bus. 

Have you ever considered that our subconscious mind is in a constant state of alertness and ready to wake at all times even during sleep?

99% of our breaths taken are coordinated by the subconscious mind. 

The subconscious mind also runs the show in the emotional department.  Strong feelings of fear and regret can be held here. 

Ironically, we train the subconscious mind with self-talk that is done in the conscious mind first. 

Famous and powerful people meditate for a reason and do not even realize why or understand how meditation can help them.

Benefits include stress reduction, reduced aging, increased empathy, improves happiness, improves auto-immune function, and on and on.

Meditation has even been shown to be as effective as medication for stopping smoking which I believe helped me that habit bad habit to bed. 

It gives you an ability to step back in the moment and realize what is happening within your mind when you have a craving and experience the emotion without judgment and make a rational decision. 

Famous People Who Meditate

Just look at the list of powerful men and women who meditate.  From Oprah Winfrey to Clint Eastwood, some of the most successful people on this planet meditate.  Here is a list of powerful meditators:

  • Micheal Jordan – During his time with the bulls he worked with a meditation teacher to enhance his focus during clutch situations

  • Oprah Winfrey – She is a huge advocate and even has a 21-day Meditation Experience program with Deepak Chopra.  (I also love that one of her favorite books is Napoleon Hill’s Think and Grow Rich.)

  • Steve Jobs – Known for his knack for innovation and creativity, was a daily meditator.
  • Tiger Woods – Recently he has discussed the importance of meditation and has recently discussed public his increased meditation practice. He said it helps him to be more “balanced and centered”. Did meditation help lead to his recent comeback success?
  • Clint Eastwood – He has used transcendental meditation for over 45-years and notes the effectiveness of stress management and improved focus. Hard to see Dirty Harry meditating but it’s true, the genius behind this man is assisted by his practice of meditating twice a day.

  • Lebron James – Like Jordan, Lebron meditates for focus and has even been known to mediate in timeouts.  Sometimes to go fast you need to go slow in the moment. Meditation helps.

  • Paul McCartney – Since a visit to India in the 1960’s meditation was a big part of his life and inspired the creation of the White Album

  • Will Smith – Not only does Will get jiggy with it but he is also an avid meditator.  He cultivates peace and happiness with meditation.

  • Howard Stern – Who would know from his loud and sometimes obnoxious voice that he has meditated since he was 18.

The list actually goes on and on.  And no, not every single successful person out there has meditated their way to success.  

If you have a hard time quieting your thoughts, need stress relief, need to build new brain pathways, you might try meditation.  

Meditation is spiritual.  It is very similar to praying.  It allows you to train your mind to be able to react as needed during times of need.

You get to know yourself and your thoughts better.  

Sometimes to transform you need to look within.  

Meditation can help you do that.  

Learn more here about the basics of meditation.

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