7 subconscious mind exercises

7 Subconscious Mind Exercises to Unchain Your Brain

This article discusses 7 subconscious mind exercises that will allow you to take control of your emotions, create better will power, and reduce stress.

In Why Every Powerful Man Meditates, I discussed the subconscious mind which is unimaginably powerful for us and why harnessing some of its potential on a more regular basis can change your life.

The majority of your life is controlled by the subconscious mind.  Subconscious mind exercises will allow meditation to train your subconscious mind to accomplish more of what you want.

It really is the elephant in the room.  The subconscious mind controls almost every aspect of our lives whether we know it or not.  To get control over it you have to train your mind. 

Do you want to lose weight?  Have the body of a warrior?

Do you want to be more empathetic and mindful?

Do you want to be more relaxed in tense situations?

Subconscious mind exercises can harness your potential and redirect it the way you want, you can have the elephant working for you.

Here are seven exercises to tap into the unconscious mind and increase your brainpower.

#1 The Essential Subconscious Mind Exercise

Simplicity is magic. This subconscious mind exercise is the basic beginning point of all meditation. It calms you, it helps you take a step back.

How often do you really step back and feel your breath, your blood running through your veins?  

Part of tapping into the subconscious mind is turning off the conscious mind and to experience life without all the consistent chatter.

For this exercise, take 5 deep breaths.  While breathing inward, feel the movement in your chest and shoulders focusing on the breath itself. 

You can intentionally try to block thoughts or just focus on breathing. If you drift into random thoughts, remember the exercise is to relax and work on focus not master it the first time.  With a little practice, you will learn to calm yourself instantly. 

This step calms you and gets you ready for more exercises. It can also just be used to calm you when you are stressed out.

This subconscious mind exercise is the foundation of meditation and has profound benefits.

#2 Focus on Nothing

Once you have taken did subconscious mind exercise #1, continue breating and let your mind roam free between focusing on the breath and to nothing. 

This gives you practice in quieting the mind. Which will make you better when you are in the heat of the moment at work or play.

Set your timer on your phone for 5 mins and breath while not focusing your conscious mind.  

If your mind wanders just gently go back to focusing on breathing first, then to nothingness. Remember the power comes in controlling your mind and the point is to redirect random thoughts back to your breath or nothingness.

#3 Focus on empathy 

The “thinking” personality types that dominate many men, myself included, prioritize thinking over feelings.  But empathy is important and can lead to a balanced lifestyle.

We all have degrees of empathy, some more than others, whether it is our dominant thought process or not.  This subconscious mind exercise will help you build empathy for others.

Empathy can be nurtured and cultivated to bloom with age.  This focus is on loved ones but extends into the universe like waves of energy.

After you are in a calm mindful state, focus on the faces of your closest loved ones.  Feel your infinity and love for that person. Imagine how that feels.  

Now, extend the love like waves in the ocean, to others around you.  Envision the wave spread like the sound too, first, everyone in your home.  Second to your neighbors. Continuing outward to your town, your state, your country, the entire earth.  

#4 Focus forgiveness

Forgiveness meditation helps you access the deepest kept emotions and put them behind you.  

Doing this can break limiting beliefs that hold you back in the day to day life. 

For this exercise, pick a person who has wronged you or you have some sort of issue with. 

Imagine this person in a peaceful setting.

While taking deep breaths, imagine forgiving them with a hug, handshake or smile. 

#5 Focus on your fears and belief

For this subconscious mind exercise, you continue calm breathing and meditation. 

As you breathe in, say to yourself or out loud, breathe in calmness, breathe out fear.  Breath in calmness, breathe out fear. Breath in calmness, breathe out fear.  

Now envision yourself conquering your fears, being the person you intend to become.

Pay special attention to the details and create those details of the person you will become to overcome that fear.  While meditating, tell yourself why you will overcome the fear.  

#6 Focus on your future

This one is fun.  This is where you want to be in a year, 5 years, or 10 years down the road.  

This is a good thing.  This is the ideal life you are imagining.  

What do you want?

What makes you happy?  

You can create your reality, but you have to know what that reality you want is.

This is what you need to ask yourself during this subconscious mind exercise. 

While meditation, think of your ultimate version of yourself. Do this for 2-5 mins daily. 

Think of where you want to go, who you want to be, what you look like and so on. This subconscious mind exercise can mold you into your ultimate self.

#7 Be grateful

While breathing in and out, think of three things you are grateful for.  These do not have to be large but they can be. I frequently am grateful for my house, but it can also before the cabinets or the handles on the cabinets.  It can be for loved ones or for your own health.  

You are basically trying to recognize the good things in your life and all of us have something to be grateful for.  When we are striving for transformation and looking to better our lives, we need to keep sight of what we have because the present is really all we have.

The past is gone and just memories.  The future is not guaranteed. So we have to be grateful for what we have.  

Gratitude is one of the most important traits to have.  

Now that you have some tools in the toolbox to rewire your subconscious and change your brain, do the subconscious mind exercise for 10-20 minutes daily and repeat. 

Your brain adapts.  

It learns new neural pathways.

You will be able to focus more, be fearless, and be at peace with yourself more often.  

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